How It Works
Details & Availability
Why test drive Snapshot®?
Test driving Snapshot is an easy way to find out if your good driving could save you any extra money on your Progressive car insurance. It’s totally free, and there’s no obligation to buy. If you choose to switch to Progressive at the end of your 30-day trial, great! We’ll help you.
How do I try Snapshot?
You can sign up online today, and within about a week, you’ll get a Snapshot device in the mail. Just plug it into your car and drive like you normally do for 30 days. You’ll get ongoing updates on how you’re doing and—if you’re on track to save—your latest projected discount
Can anyone try Snapshot?
Yes, as long as Snapshot is available in your state—it’s offered in most—you can sign up to try it. The Snapshot device you’ll use to track your good driving is compatible with most cars, except models built before 1996.
Does it cost anything to try Snapshot?
No, trying Snapshot is completely free. You would only get charged if you don’t return your Snapshot device after your trial. It’s a $50 charge per device.
What driving habits impact my potential savings?
How often you make hard brakes, how many miles you drive each day and how often you drive between midnight and 4 a.m., which we believe to be the riskiest time for accidents, can all impact your potential savings.
What if I don't save anything?
Snapshot doesn't always save people money; and on occasion, it could increase your rate. One of the benefits of test driving Snapshot, though, is that you'll find out how Snapshot would impact your rate before you switch. And again, there's no obligation to buy a Progressive policy.
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Signing Up
What information do you ask for?
We’ll collect your name, contact information and birthdate, as well as details about the vehicles in your household. We’ll also ask you to review a few details about the Snapshot device and then agree to return it once you finish Snapshot to avoid a replacement charge of up to $50.
What other information do you collect?
Once you plug in your Snapshot device, we’ll also collect your Vehicle Identification Number and take note of whether the device stays plugged in, so we can alert you if it gets disconnected. Some Snapshot devices record your location, too—this is only for research purposes. The device doesn’t track whether you’re exceeding the speed limit.
Do I include all the cars in my household?
Yes. When you sign up to try Snapshot, we’ll ask you to tell us about all the vehicles in your household, so we can send you a Snapshot device for each one. If you own a car that doesn’t have a diagnostic port for the Snapshot device to plug into—like a model built before 1996—we’ll simply exclude it from your trial.
Are commercial vehicles eligible?
No, Snapshot is for private passenger vehicles only. If you’re interested in our commercial vehicle insurance discounts, call 1-888-806-95981-888-806-9598 today to get a free quote.
What happens after I finish signing up?
Within 7-10 days, you'll get a Snapshot device in the mail. You’ll plug it into your car—it’s easy, and we send details to help—then, you’ll drive as you normally would. You can go online to see your latest driving details and—if you’re on track to save—your projected discount.
What if I want to end my trial early?
Just call us at 1-877-329-72831-877-329-7283 or print a pre-paid return label for your device to let us know you want to end your trial. Then, be sure to send back your Snapshot device within 60 days.
Can I skip the trial and get Snapshot as a customer?
Of course! Simply start a free quote and add Snapshot to your policy. Once you buy your policy, we’ll send you a Snapshot device.
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Will Progressive share my information?
We won’t share Snapshot information unless it’s required to service your insurance policy, prevent fraud, perform research or comply with the law. We also won’t use Snapshot information to resolve a claim unless you or the registered vehicle owner permits us to do so.Learn how we protect your privacy.
How long do you keep my information?
It varies depending on where you live. At minimum, we’ll follow the rules established by your state’s department of insurance.Learn how we protect your privacy.
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During Your Trial
Snapshot Device
How do I know the Snapshot device is working?
After starting your car, simply look for a blinking light. If you don’t see one, unplug the device, review installation details, and then plug it back in. If you still don’t see a blinking light, please call us at 1-877-329-7283.1-877-329-7283.
What if my device stops working during the trial?
If your device stops working or comes unplugged, you’ll get an email alert, along with details on what to do next.
Why does my device beep when I drive?
Some of our Snapshot devices beep when you make a hard brake. Getting this instant feedback can help you improve your driving.
When should I send the device back?
It depends. If you choose to buy a Progressive policy at the end of your trial, you’ll keep the device for another six months. Otherwise, you’ll have 60 days to send it back to us. (We include a postage-paid return label in the original Snapshot package to make this easy.) There’s a $50 charge for each unreturned device.
What if I lose the device?
Call us at 1-877-329-72831-877-329-7283, so we can send you a new one. Unfortunately, the $50 charge for an unreturned device still applies.
Will unplugging my device affect my results?
If you need to briefly unplug your device – for an emissions test or maintenance, for example – it won’t affect your results. However, if your device is unplugged for longer than a few hours, it could delay your trial results.
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Potential Savings & Driving Details
How do you determine my potential savings?
We consider how often you make hard brakes, how many miles you drive each day and how often you drive between midnight and 4 a.m., which we believe to be the riskiest time for accidents.
What if my household is trying Snapshot together?
You’ll get a projected household discount, which reflects your collective driving habits, as well as a projected discount on coverage for your vehicle, which reflects your personal driving habits.
How do you determine the best driver in a household?
The driver with the biggest potential Snapshot savings percentage wins the “Best Driver Ever” title. And while we hope this peacefully ends “Who’s best?” debates in households across the country, it’s possible that people who get the biggest savings—and the Best Driver Ever title—in their house did so because they didn’t drive at all, not only because they had smooth moves. But, hey … sometimes the safest driving is no driving!
How often is my information updated?
It’s updated daily, so check back every morning to see your driving details and - if you're on track to save - your potential discount.
Do rapid accelerations affect my potential savings?
No, they don't. However, they do affect your accident risk.
Why do I get feedback on rapid accelerations?
Getting this feedback gives you a more complete picture of your driving habits. And this can help you make safe choices behind the wheel.
How do you measure hard brakes?
The Snapshot device collects information about your vehicle speed, and if you decelerate faster than 7 mph/second, it counts as a hard brake.
How do you measure rapid accelerations?
If you accelerate faster than 7 mph/second, it counts as a rapid acceleration.
How does my mileage affect my potential savings?
Minimizing the number of miles you drive each day can help boost your potential savings.
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What are badges?
When you reach a special milestone in your trial – like going a full day without a hard brake – you’ll earn a celebratory, just-for-fun badge you can share with your social networks. The more badges you collect, the more bragging rights you’ll have!
How do I earn badges?
There are lots of ways to earn a badge. Plugging in your Snapshot device, having a streak of good driving and telling your social networks about Snapshot are just a few. For more details, visit the Badges page.
Do badges improve my potential for a discount?
No, they’re just for fun. Consider each one a little pat on the back for your great work!
How often are badges updated?
They’re updated daily, so check back every morning to see which new badges you might’ve earned!
How do badges work if I’m trying Snapshot with my household?
You'll earn and collect badges individually – which just might spark some friendly competition!
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Saving & Switching
When will I get my discount?
After you’ve logged 30 days of driving information, you’ll find out if Snapshot would save you money. Then, if you're on track to save, you can quote to get your exact discount and apply it.
How do I apply my discount?
If you're on track to save with Snapshot after your trial, first you’ll need to start a quote. We fill in the information you shared with us at sign-up; then, you fill in the rest to complete your no-obligation quote and see your discounted rate.
Will I start saving as soon as I switch?
Yes, any savings you earn during your trial will kick in as soon as you switch to Progressive; this is your initial Snapshot Discount. Then, you’ll stay plugged in for five more months to set your ongoing renewal discount.
What if I finish before the rest of my household?
You’ll get your individual results as soon as you’re done. Then, once everyone else in your household logs 30 days of driving information, you’ll find out if Snapshot would lower your overall rate.
After test driving Snapshot, can I start a quote from my mobile device?
Not yet. We’re working on making this option available, but right now, the only way to get a quote that includes your Snapshot results is from a computer. You can start your quote here. We’re sorry for the inconvenience.
If I want to switch, do I need to do it immediately?
No, you’ll have six months to buy a Progressive auto policy at this personalized rate.
When should I cancel my current insurance?
Keep your current coverage while you try Snapshot. If you decide to buy a Progressive policy at the end of your trial, we’ll help you switch companies.
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What email address do I use to access my driving information?
You’ll use the email address you gave us when you signed up to try Snapshot.
Why do you ask who drives each of my vehicles?
Knowing who primarily drives each of your vehicles helps us personalize your Snapshot experience.
Can I update my information during the trial?
Yes, if your address or phone number changes during your trial, please call us at 1-877-329-7283.1-877-329-7283.
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Note: These FAQs offer a broad overview of the Snapshot program and how it works. The program does vary in a few states. See the Snapshot terms and conditions for more information.